Friday, August 7, 2015

Temprature and Heat

Temperature of something refers to how hot it is?To measure the temperature some scales are discovered. The temperature scales are divided into the degrees.

Celsius Scale:

The most common scale is Celsius scale that was discovered by Anders Celsius, in 1742. The Celsius scale measure the temperature in centigrade. A degree centigrade is often shown as C. On this scale , the temperature at which ice turns to water (melting point.) is 0 degree centigrade, and the point at which water turns to steam (boiling point) is 100 degree centigrade, at normal air pressure.

Fahrenheit Scale:

 The other temperature scale  that is most common in use is Fahrenheit scale, by Gabriel Fahrenheit in 1714. It is shown as F. According to this scale the melting point of ice is 32degree Fahrenheit and the boiling point of water is 212 degree Fahrenheit, at normal air pressure.
To change the centigrade into Fahrenheit, multiply the given temperature by 915 and add 32. To change the  degree Fahrenheit into centigrade, subtract 32 and multiply by 5/9.

Kelvin Scale:

Another scale that is used to measure the temperature is Kelvin scale.  It is mostly used in scientific work. The melting point of ice is over 273 degree Kelvin, and boiling point of water is 373 degree Kelvin, at normal air pressure.


The energy that transferred from one body or system to another as a result of  temperature difference is known as heat.  heat is measured in joules, like the all other forms of energy, in SI units.In c.g.s units, it is measured in calories. In imperial units it is measured in British thermal  units

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